We returned from the hospital after the finger poke (no port access) around 11 AM. Shivam was tired and irritated and we thought he was sleepy. Nilesh was home and he had brought a lovel tricycle for Shivam to play. Out of the blue we got a call from the hospital telling us that Shivam's bloodwork results were back and they were not good. Both his RBC and platelets were extremely low and we need to come back immediately for a transfusion. I somehow got an anxiety attack and had to lie down to recover. We called Rutwick and Kapil over for help. Shivam ate a liitle bit and we rushed back to Seattle.
The nurses at HemOnc clinic were ready to receive Shivam and they gently out the needle and the tube into his port. Shivam, as always, screamed the roof off. Then we were pseudo admitted to the in-patient ward and Shivam had a blood sample drawn to be sent to Puget Sound blood bank. There was a long tiring wait for the blood to come in. It finally came by 5 PM (I think).
Shivam slept through the first hour. And then became very very cranky. Our patience has grown so much during the last few days. He was hitting us left and right, screaming to go home, but we kept on loving him. When one person's patience went low, other would take over. And then again switch roles.
We finally got him to take oxycodone (pain killer) and he soon normalized. We played with toys, colored some books, watched some cartoons. We had sent Kapil home earlier in the day after dropping us. He suddenly popped back with some burgers and french fries. Shivam attacked the fries like bear on honey (I think I am watching Winney the pooh too much). Since it was over 8:30, we gave him his dexamethasone (chemo drug). Soon the blood transfusion was over. His vitals were checked many times during this process and he was declared ok to be taken home.
The nurses at HemOnc rock!!! They have so much patience and smiles inspite of dealing with cranky kids and mad tired parents. Hats off to them.
We were soon discharged and started our journey back home. Shivam wanted to eat daal and chawal and we called his nani and told her to make some fresh. Reached home safely and Shivam attacked daal and chawal. It was a beautiful feeling to see him back energetic (though he is having a hard time standing and walking because of chemotherapy). So what. He smiled and ate his food. Then we came to his room and he wanted to do more coloring. We colored a few more sheets and he got tired. I put him to bed and came out to write this story. Atleast I dod not have tears in my eyes today at the end of the day. I have faith. I have prayers of the friends and family and all those wonderful people around us. Thank you for supporting us in this hour.
I wanted to end this post with 2 lovely pictures that Kapil took today while we were waiting for the blood.

I will say right now that you need Patience, patience , and more patience.
Being parents, it is very difficult to see your child go through so much pain... but, just think that it is the young boy who doesnt understand anything and is suffering from this pain.. we need to be patient and give him strength to get through this.. This will be over soon... We all are fighting with God and this will be OVER SOON. Take care and we all are with you and so is GOD.
Thank you for sharing this expirience with all of us. I get questions about Shivam daily and we are all thinking of him and wishing for the best.
Your strength is incredible and your patience is noticed. I love to hear how Shivam protests, that shows his passion for life.
We love Shivam and can't wait to hear more tomorrow!
Jolie Richards
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